Inleiding tot het werkingsprincipe van de transportband

Inleiding tot het werkingsprincipe van de transportband

Een Transportband is een mechanisch gereedschap dat wrijving gebruikt om materialen continu aan te drijven. Het is over het algemeen samengesteld uit verschillende onderdelen zoals frame, transportband, rol, rol, elastisch apparaat, transmissieapparaat enzovoort. Het voltooit een transportproces dat het materiaal van het eerste toevoerpunt naar het uiteindelijke afvoerpunt transporteert. Het is mogelijk om bulkgoederen te vervoeren of om complete artikelen te vervoeren. Niet alleen kan het transport van materialen worden uitgevoerd, maar ook de vereisten van het proces in het productieproces van verschillende industriële ondernemingen kunnen worden samengewerkt met het lopende bandwerk.
Transportbands are generally composed of two end rollers and a closed belt on which they are tightly covered. The roller that drives the conveyor belt is called the driving roller; there is also a roller used to change the direction of the belt movement, which is called the reversed roller. The drive drum is driven by an electric motor through a reducer, and the conveyor belt is dragged by the friction between the drive drum and the conveyor belt.
Transportband is often used for coal transportation, can also be said to be the ideal efficient continuous transportation equipment of coal mines, different from other equipment, with long transmission distance, large transportation volume, can be continuous transportation and other advantages, in the process of operation is very stable, can be automated and centralized control, especially suitable for high-yield and efficient mines, Transportband has become the key equipment of coal mining mechatronics technology and equipment.
The main feature of the Transportband is that the fuselage can be easily retracted, with a storage belt warehouse, the tail can be extended or shortened with the needs of the coal mining working surface, the structure is compact, and it does not need a strong foundation, which is laid directly on the roadway floor, light and dexterous, and it is also very convenient to load and unload. When the conveying capacity and distance are large, it can be equipped with an intermediate drive device to complete the requirements. Eenccording to different conveying requirements, it can be conveyed by single machine, or by multi-unit combination of horizontal or inclined transport systems to transport materials.

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